The Description of the Prophet’s Prayer (Sifaat Salat an-Nabi)

This document provides an introduction and table of contents for a book on the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad. The introduction discusses the importance of prayer in Islam and following the Prophet’s example. It notes that knowing the details of how the Prophet prayed is necessary to properly perform prayer and gain its rewards. The table of contents outlines 18 chapters covering topics like intention, recitation, bowing, prostration, and supplications in prayer. It provides a high-level overview of the contents and organization of the book on the prayer of the Prophet.

This document provides an introduction and table of contents for a book on the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad. The introduction discusses the importance of prayer in Islam and following the Prophet’s example. It notes that knowing the details of how the Prophet prayed is necessary to properly perform prayer and gain its rewards. The table of contents outlines 18 chapters covering topics like intention, recitation, bowing, prostration, and supplications in prayer. It provides a high-level overview of the contents and organization of the book on the prayer of the Prophet.

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Usama ibn Suhaib Hasan


The Qur'an and Sunnah Society